Hello friends 
I have a few people asking questions on solution for N910 boot-loop, I want to make step-by-step guide to answer all questions.
Problem caused by changing *#9090# and possibly downgrade as well.
Takes time, several tries, don't worry.
1. Downgrade to 4.4.4 via Odin. Extract OC4, extract Odin, open Odin, select four files into correct position (BL, AP, CP, CSC) 4.4.4 OC4 Odin 3.09 (Samsung Mobile drivers required)
2. Once on 4.4.4 or below, enable developer options by tapping "build version" several times, enable USB debugging & mock location, and install KingRoot to phone. Caution, newer versions did not work for me.
3. Open "Command Prompt" and type "adb version" should reply with "Android Debug Bridge version x.x.x", if does not, change to the correct directory where adb is installed via "cd" command. Need ADB? Here
4. These next two steps can be a little tricky as the phone often reboots before completed, must work quickly, I suggest copying the long command, then paste when ready.
5. Connect to working WiFi. Turn off your phone, reboot, or wait for it to reboot itself. Soon as phone turns on, open KingRoot, soon as WiFi connected notification appears, touch button in center of KingRoot app, soon as KingRoot reaches 30%, began adb commands.
6. ADB commands: first command "adb shell", second command "su", third command "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p10 | dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p13 | dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p14 | dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p15 | dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p16" phone will reboot or you can reboot and after reboot boot-loop and unknown baseband will be fixed! Can now write new IMEI via "Write Cert" and possibly "Write QCN" if any network troubles, then all good to go!
7. Any questions feel free to contact me on skype: brandon.sisco or phone: 949.482.7058 I'm happy to walk you through any steps.
Once you see results, I have worked hard on this complete solution for many weeks, I would appreciate any donation. Secure paypal donate here
Thank you ecs87 for the help with adb wipe efs commands
I have a few people asking questions on solution for N910 boot-loop, I want to make step-by-step guide to answer all questions.
Problem caused by changing *#9090# and possibly downgrade as well.
Takes time, several tries, don't worry.
1. Downgrade to 4.4.4 via Odin. Extract OC4, extract Odin, open Odin, select four files into correct position (BL, AP, CP, CSC) 4.4.4 OC4 Odin 3.09 (Samsung Mobile drivers required)
2. Once on 4.4.4 or below, enable developer options by tapping "build version" several times, enable USB debugging & mock location, and install KingRoot to phone. Caution, newer versions did not work for me.
3. Open "Command Prompt" and type "adb version" should reply with "Android Debug Bridge version x.x.x", if does not, change to the correct directory where adb is installed via "cd" command. Need ADB? Here
4. These next two steps can be a little tricky as the phone often reboots before completed, must work quickly, I suggest copying the long command, then paste when ready.
5. Connect to working WiFi. Turn off your phone, reboot, or wait for it to reboot itself. Soon as phone turns on, open KingRoot, soon as WiFi connected notification appears, touch button in center of KingRoot app, soon as KingRoot reaches 30%, began adb commands.
6. ADB commands: first command "adb shell", second command "su", third command "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p10 | dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p13 | dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p14 | dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p15 | dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p16" phone will reboot or you can reboot and after reboot boot-loop and unknown baseband will be fixed! Can now write new IMEI via "Write Cert" and possibly "Write QCN" if any network troubles, then all good to go!
7. Any questions feel free to contact me on skype: brandon.sisco or phone: 949.482.7058 I'm happy to walk you through any steps.
Once you see results, I have worked hard on this complete solution for many weeks, I would appreciate any donation. Secure paypal donate here
Thank you ecs87 for the help with adb wipe efs commands